3 Anime characters that Inspire me.


Konnichiwa Minna, hope you are all well, How has your week been?

Today I want to share with you, my top 3 anime characters who insipre me, what I learned from them and I am learning to apply these lessons. So let's get straight into it.

Number 3 - Shizuku from Whispers of the heart-
 Have you always know what you wanted to be when you become an adult? 

As a child, I said I always wanted to be a nurse because my father is a nurse. Then as I grow up I realized I don’t know what I actually want to be.  
When I watched Shizuku, I related to her, she loved reading and she was good at writing and I love taking pictures I love being creative.  When Shizuku fell in love, the guy knew exactly what he wanted to be and that helped push her to follow her passion and become a writer.  

After watching her develop, I also realized that I could be anything I want, I don’t have to pursue the traditional road of job, I can do what I love and what I am passionate about. It doesn’t matter what other people think as long as you believe in yourself, you know you are fantastic at the job and your family and loved ones support you anything is possible with hard work and love.

Number 2 . The number 1 knuckle head Ninja. 

“I don’t quit, I never give up or go back on my word, that is my nindo, my ninja way!!”
I learnt to believe in myself, believe in my dreams. I love that he never ever gave up, and at times when I feel like quitting I think of Naruto trying to learn how to do the multi shadow clone justu or when he was learning to use the Rasengan. 

If he can do it I can do it too, I can do everything if I put my mind to it. I might take longer to achieve things but it’s actually ok, all that matters is that the goal has been achieved. So when I look at how I am learning Japanese, I am not going to give up, I will keep going until I can read it fluently. 
I am struggling with creating a habit of waking up early or learning a new skill. I have days where I fail to achieve the task but with a little self-love, pep talk, patience and perseverance and not giving up, I will eventually master that habit.  To think that Naruto used to struggle with balancing is chakra or the multi shadow clone justu that ultimately become one of his best Justu, it shows that I may struggle with something today but one day in the future I will master it.
   "A Shinobi's life is not measured by how they lived but rather what they managed to accomplish before their death."- Jiraiya

Did you know: Naruto actually inspired me to create a blog 4 years ago, it was called Naruto 4ever (cringe!! )

Number 1.  Mikasa- Attack on Titan
“If you Win, You Live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win.”
Mikasa, to me, is the ultimate Woman. She is one of their best soldiers, she can be very intimidating with just one look and you know she will beat your ass.  I think that she knows she is the strongest out of her two friends and she doesn't let small things bother her unless you are threatening her loved ones.  

The best part is that she knows she is one of the best, she could easily be very arrogant, but she remains supportive, kind and humble.
She is so determined  to protect her friends, she always finds a way to solve the problems  that they are facing, she remains calm and doesn’t let her emotions get in the way, except when  Eren is in danger then she loses her cool and basically kills everything in sight to make sure that he is safe, which is expected as  she thinks of him as her family. 

Anyone that comes between her and Eren or tries to harm him, she does not hold back, She has self-control,  knows her self, her strengths and weaknesses and most importantly she fights for what is right. She doesn’t let anyone take advantage of her or her friends and to me that’s beautiful. 
So  I am trying to remind myself to keep fighting to achieve my goals, it doesn’t matter what comes my way, I can only divert or care if it is affecting the people I love, just like Mikasa.

Do you have any anime characters that inspire you to become a better person let me know in the comments section below.

          I hope you like this post, I shall see you on the next one ..x

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