
"The world isn't as bad as you think"- Celty Sturluson

I know it has been a long time since I blogged, let’s just say life got very hectic and adulthood is finally taking over, but anyway I got introduced to an AMAZING ANIME called DURARARA          (I know I call every show amazing). Have you ever been at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time, well this anime takes that meaning into a whole new level.

Plot- Mikado Ryūgamine, moves to Tokyo to attend Raira Academy with his childhood friend Masaomi Kida. His friend tells him the people to avoid such as the  super humanly strong man Shizuo Heiwajima, the information broker Izaya Orihara, and the mysterious gang known as "The Dollars,"  local legend called the "Black Rider", who rides around the city  on a black bike that occasionally neighs like a horse, and who apparently has no  head under her helmet. 
The story is showing how their lives intersect. Basically what they do somehow is connect to the next person and certain events that happen connect them.

Miss Animanga says:

 I'm sure like many people at some point you realise that the people you think you know,                 YOU ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW. Everyone has a side to them that they are probably not ready to show you, or they don't want you to know about, and I guess it comes down to how you will react to this new identity.  Yes you would have wanted to know earlier but maybe they just wasn't ready to share. No one is perfect and if they have your best interest then try to understand. It reminds me of

Oscar Wilde's quote... Every saint has a past every sinner has a future.

I think this anime is UNDER RATED, it should get more hype and praise as it tells a story in a very twisted way. I am mind blown every time I watch it and trust me you will be too. My most favourite character has to be Shizuo Heiwajima. His personality is just so dull but he kicks some serious butt and just how he does it it’s not NORMAL, example throwing a fridge at someone hahahaha!! The ending was like a cliff hanger to me, I know something crazy and big is about to go down so I am excited for SEASON 2!!!!

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